As a public charter school in Minnesota, SHPA is accountable to multiple constituents for our performance as a learning institution and as a receiver of public education funds.
The educational achievement of grades K-12 students across the state is defined by the Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards which lists the teaching and learning expectations of public schools. These standards 1) identify the knowledge and skills that all students must achieve by the end of a grade level or grade band; 2) help define the course credit requirements for graduation; and, 3) serve as a guide for the local adoption and design of curricula.
Student mastery of these standards and our school success is measured through state and local assessment tests.
Minnesota has adopted the national Common Core English Language Arts standards in their entirety and expanded them with supplementary content. Minnesota has not adopted the national Common Core Mathematics standards and has created their own standards. These exceed national standards.
Visit The Minnesota Department of Education website to learn more.
Minnesota has established Education Standards required for every school in the state. The subject areas include Arts, English Language Arts, Health and Physical Education, Mathematics, Reading, Science, Social Studies, STEM, and World Languages. For those subjects that do not have State Standards, school districts must develop their own local standards.
Please visit the K-12 Academic Standards FAQ page to view the standards list and specific learning requirements by grade level.
2023-2024 Combined WBWF Summary Report
2024 Audit Report - Communications Letter
2024 Audit Report - Basic Financial Statements
Seven Hills Preparatory Academy Authorizer Contract Renewal
Legal Assistance Resource List
Policy 411: Group Health Insurance Coverage
Policy 202: School Board Officers
Policy 509: Student Journalism
Executive Director
Carolyn Farrell, Richfield Campus Office
1401 W. 76th Street, Richfield, MN 55423
612-314-7600, cfarrell@shpamn.org
Title IX Investigators: Richfield Campus Principal
Title IX Decision Makers: Special Education Director
Title IX Decision Makers for Appeals: HR Committee Chair
Title IX Facilitator: Bloomington Campus Principal
Title IX Overview and Investigation Training
Policy 413 Harassment and Violence